Asiasoft joins forces with two giant Thai game companies to launch "Summoner Master Online"

BackFeb 14, 2008

Bangkok - 14 February 2008 - Mr. Lertchai Kanpai (center), Managing Director of Asiasoft Corporation PCL, Southeast Asia's industry leader for online entertainment services, and Mr. Nanusorn Photpipat (left), Managing Director of Playpal Co., Ltd, recently announced the first ever online game from Asiasoft developed by a Thai team "Summoner Master Online" together with Mr. Pornpol  Rakboonyuong (right), Managing Director of Santonino Co., Ltd, at Esplanade Cineplex, Esplanade, Ratchadapisek Road.

This online game is upgraded from the most favorite card game in Thailand copyrighted by Santonino, Summoner Master. Asiasoft marks this launch in Thailand as the beginning of aggressive expansion plans of launching Thai online game into the international gamers market in Southeast Asia in next year. The game's outstanding advantages are enjoyment, strategic skill practice and convenient access to gamers.