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15 Aug 2023 Asphere Innovations PLC (AS) announces performance of Q2/2023, Make a strategic move toward a Digital Technology Company
30 Jun 2023 Asphere Innovations (AS) Expands Presence in Blockchain and Crypto Market with Acquisition of Bitkub Online
31 May 2023 ASPHERE (AS) and BIG BANG THEORY launches World's First Metaverse as a Service
12 May 2023 AS reveals strong Q1/2023 profit growth, Expects to achieve annual budgeted revenue
27 Apr 2023 The shareholders of Asiasoft have passed a resolution the Company's name change to "ASPHERE INNOVATIONS' and announced annual dividend of Baht 0.53 for fiscal year 2022.
31 Mar 2023 Questions from Investors on Tender Offer Announcement by Sabuy Technology PCL.
29 Mar 2023 Major shareholder buys more AS shares, boost confidence in the direction of business growth.
27 Feb 2023 Invitation for Press, Analysts, and Shareholders to Attend 'Asiasoft Business Direction 2023: EXPAND THE HORIZONS' Event
27 Feb 2023 Asiasoft Announces 2022 Operating Results, Approves Additional Dividend of 0.23 Baht, and Updates Progress of 3 New Business Groups
11 Nov 2022 Asiasoft announced Q3 performance as Revenue increased from the previous quarter and keep growth momentum as the previous year.
11 Aug 2022 Asiasoft approval of interim dividend payment and ready to launch the first phase of the Astronize Platform
12 May 2022 Asiasoft announced performance in Q1/2022 with good momentum Starting the IPO process for subsidiary in Malaysia market The company is confident of 15% growth for 2022
05 May 2022 Asiasoft presents ‘Noah's Heart' the giant mobile game of the year Prepare to penetrate the SEA market at the end of 2022
25 Feb 2022 Asiasoft generates the highest net profit for the year 2021 since incorporation and announces annual dividend at Baht 0.7 per share
11 Jan 2022 Asiasoft is certified as a member of the Thai Private Sector Collective Action Against Corruption (CAC)
05 Jan 2022 PlayPark debuts New Look! Endless Moments of FUN Await
12 Nov 2021 Asiasoft aggressive move to mobile game market resulted in continuous growth in Q3/2021
09 Nov 2021 Asiasoft continue 'Sharing is Caring' donated over 260k USD to 16 organizations in SEA
09 Sep 2021 Asiasoft huge success for launching 2 new mobile games Confident that the year's revenue will reach the target
26 Aug 2021 AS - A rare item you need!