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05 Jul 2024 Big Lot share trading and changes in shareholder structure clarification (Additional information)
01 Jul 2024 Big Lot share trading and changes in shareholder structure clarification (Revised)
01 Jul 2024 Big Lot share trading and changes in shareholder structure clarification.
10 May 2024 Management Discussion and Analysis Quarter 1 Ending 31 Mar 2024
10 May 2024 Financial Statement Quarter 1/2024 (Reviewed)
10 May 2024 Financial Performance Quarter 1 (F45) (Reviewed)
09 May 2024 Publication of the Minutes of the 2024 AGM on the Company's Website
02 May 2024 Notification on Registration for Reduction in Registered Capital and Amendment to the Memorandum of Association of the Company
26 Apr 2024 Shareholders meeting's resolution
19 Apr 2024 Inform end of the Share Repurchase Project for Financial Management Purposes (Treasury Stock)
01 Apr 2024 Notification of the 2024 Company special holiday
26 Mar 2024 Acknowledgement of the cancellation of conditional voluntary tender offer prior to making an offer (Conditional Voluntary Tender Offer) of the Sabuy Technology Public Company Limited
22 Mar 2024 Publication of the invitation to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders year 2024
29 Feb 2024 Notification Resolutions BOD4/2024, no dividend payment, reduction of registered capital, disposal of the investment in the ordinary shares, extension loan agreement and Schedule AGM 2024.
29 Feb 2024 Management Discussion and Analysis Yearly Ending 31 Dec 2023
29 Feb 2024 Financial Statement Yearly 2023 (Audited)
29 Feb 2024 Financial Performance Yearly (F45) (Audited)
12 Feb 2024 Resignation of director and appointment of director replacing the resigned director
31 Jan 2024 New shares of AS to be traded on February 1, 2024
29 Jan 2024 Report of the utilization of capital increase