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27 Dec 2016 AS's new shares to be traded on December 28, 2016
22 Dec 2016 Report on the results of the sale of securities (F53-5)
20 Dec 2016 Clarification of News or Information
22 Nov 2016 Publication of minutes of the EGM No.1/2016 on the Company's website
14 Nov 2016 Management Discussion and Analysis Quarter 3 Ending 30-Sep-2016
14 Nov 2016 Financial Statement Quarter 3/2016
14 Nov 2016 Reviewed Quarter 3 and Consolidated F/S (F45-3)
14 Nov 2016 Resolutions of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/ 2016(Add Template)
11 Nov 2016 Resolutions of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/ 2016
31 Oct 2016 Publication of the Invitation to Attend AGM No.1/2016 on company website
12 Oct 2016 Increase Capital, EGM Date (Edit # 2)
12 Oct 2016 Notification of the amendment of EGM date & time and RO information
11 Oct 2016 Restructuration of subsidiary companies of Asiasoft Corporation Public Company Limited(Appendix2)
11 Oct 2016 Increase Capital, EGM Date (Edit)
11 Oct 2016 Board Resolution # 5/2016
15 Aug 2016 Financial Statement Quarter 2/2016
15 Aug 2016 Management Discussion and Analysis Quarter 2 Ending 30-Jun-2016
15 Aug 2016 Reviewed Quarter 2 and Consolidated F/S (F45-3)
10 Aug 2016 Dissolution of Cybergame Corporation Company Limited (Revised)
08 Aug 2016 Dissolution of Cybergame Corporation Company Limited
22 Jul 2016 Report of the utilization of capital increase from IPO
19 May 2016 Information about connected and related parties transaction (Revised)
16 May 2016 Board Resolution 2/2559 (Information about connected and related parties transaction)
13 May 2016 Extension Term for Audit Committee
12 May 2016 Management Discussion and Analysis Quarter 1 Ending 31-Mar-2016 (Edit)
12 May 2016 Management Discussion and Analysis Quarter 1 Ending 31-Mar-2016
12 May 2016 Financial Statement Quarter 1/2016
12 May 2016 Reviewed Quarter 1 and Consolidated F/S (F45-3)
26 Apr 2016 Notification of the resolutions of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders Year 2016
29 Feb 2016 Financial Statement Yearly 2015
29 Feb 2016 Management Discussion and Analysis Yearly Ending 31-Dec-2015
29 Feb 2016 Audited Yearly and Consolidated F/S (F45-3)
29 Feb 2016 Notification of Annual General Shareholders' Meeting and no dividend payment. (Revised Template)
26 Feb 2016 Notification of Annual General Shareholders' Meeting of 2016 and no dividend payment.
29 Jan 2016 Report of the utilization of capital increase from IPO
29 Jan 2016 Announcement of Public Holidays for the Year 2016 (Edited pdf 2)
29 Jan 2016 Announcement of Public Holidays for the Year 2016 (Edited pdf)
29 Jan 2016 Invitation to Shareholders to propose Agenda and Names of Director Nominees in advance for AGM 2016
29 Jan 2016 Announcement of Public Holidays for the Year 2016